Special Theory of Relativity Part 3 - Time dilation and Length Contraction
In the previous blogs, we spoke about various details and ideologies of the Special Theory of Relativity. In this blog, we'll discuss some very important and mind blowing concepts and implications of The Special Theory of Relativity that changed our perception of the universe and modern physics drastically. Time Dilation: In the year 1905, Einstein, while going home on a tram, devised a thought experiment, that changed modern physics forever. As he sped on in the tram, he saw a clock tower, and he thought to himself what would happen if the tram moved at the speed of light. He concluded that the clock's hands would completely freeze and would stop moving from his point of observation while he knew that it would keep ticking normally back at the tower. For him, time would have slowed down . The phenomenon due to which an object moving at very very high speeds (close to the speed of light), experiences the slowing down of time is called time dilation. Einstein's...